The Vocation Ministry focuses on supporting current and new vocations to the priesthood and other Religious vocations in Our Lady of the Lake parish and the surrounding community. We are blessed to have two seminaries in our area, St. Joseph Seminary College (Undergraduate Seminary for the first 4 years of study) at the Abbey in Covington and Notre Dame Seminary (Graduate Seminary for the final formation to priesthood) in New Orleans. Through prayer and increased awareness this ministry encourages individuals currently practicing and discerning a new vocation. The Ministry will assist in scheduling vocation talks to the PSR and OLL school children. Vocation stories of our parishioners (priest, deacons and other active parishioners) will be published monthly in the church bulletin.
Opportunities to help include:
Praying for our current priests and those discerning new vocations. Vocational prayer cards are available in the church, church office and Adoration Chapel. A notebook with special prayers is available in the Adoration Chapel.
Taking home the Vocation Chalice for a week, which includes many prayers to support current vocations and those considering new vocations.
Supporting seminarians at the Abbey and Notre Dame by sending cards, taking seminarians out to eat or hosting them in your home.
Filling out a “Called By Name” card on any young person considering the priesthood or religious life and turning it in to the parish office.