Cub Scouts is open to boys in 1st – 5th grade and their parents to promote healthy activities and service projects. We meet Sunday’s at 3:45PM once a week August – May. We go camping 3 times per year, have 2 derby events, a regatta, “Cuboree” and the Blue & Gold banquet. Dues are $70.00 per year.
Boy Scout Pack 611
Boy Scouts are open to any boy age 11 through 18. Our mission is to teach boys how to lead through BSA troop and patrol methods using outdoor skils. The cost is $55 per year. We meet on Sundays 6 – 7:30 PM. We have “campouts” once per month. We also host popcorn sales, jambalaya sales after Mass and car washes for donations. Parents are welcome to participate in the scouting events.
Girl Scouts
The Girls Scouts are open to girls from Kindergarten through 12th grade. Troops include girls from all schools and backgrounds. We are always in need of volunteer leaders to manage the troops. Girl scouting builds girls of courage, confidence, and character who make the world a better place. They do so by honoring God and service to their country and community. For information on how to join or volunteer, please contact Kristen Davis at 985-246-8419, or email [email protected].