We, in the Respect Life Ministry, in response to the Gospel of Life, commit ourselves to prayer and action in defense of life. It is our mission to foster in our parish community an awareness of the dignity and sanctity of all human life, from conception to natural death. We are dedicated to observing and promoting the teaching of the Roman Catholic Church on all life issues, including abortion, euthanasia, assisted suicide, death penalty and stem cell research. We have participated in the Life Marches in Baton Rouge & Washington DC, the Woman's New Life Center Born to Run fundraisers in Baton Rouge & New Orleans, and the annual Life Chains in Slidell and Mandeville. We conduct the Nine Month Spiritual Adoption Program and the Baby Shower. We also participate in the 40 Days for Life Prayer Vigil. At Christmas, we do a Giving Tree for Nursing Home Residents, and in the summer, we do a Sock Collection for the Homeless. There are no qualifications or age limits to help in this ministry. You may participate in one event or all. A love of God and your fellow humans is all that is needed.