Our Lady of the Lake Roman Catholic Church presently has several choirs and a vibrant Cantor and Accompanist ministry leading the music at six Masses every weekend. Any questions regarding the overall music ministry may be directed to Paul Wattigny, Our Lady of the Lake Music Director, at [email protected], or 985-626-5671, ext. 4102
Traditional Adult Choir
The Traditional Adult Choir sings at the 9:00 AM Mass on Sunday in the church and at various Masses throughout the year. Their repertoire includes a variety of music from Latin to contemporary. The Traditional Choir has traveled extensively throughout the world on pilgrimages. They present a program of Christmas music prior to Midnight Mass as well as providing music for all Holy Week services, Masses for Holy Days of Obligation and other special parish Masses. Rehearsals are held on Sunday morning at 10:00 AM immediately following at 9:00 AM Mass in the choir loft.
Contemporary Adult Choir
Our Lady of the Lake Parish is pleased to offer Contemporary Worship Music at the 10:30 AM Mass in the Chotin Center and 6:30 PM Mass in the Church on Sunday's with music led by our Director of Contemporary Worship, John Finch.For general inquiries, please email [email protected].
A Schola of adult, semi-professional singers has recently been started at OLL. This is a group that is tailored for the more proficient music reader and which concentrates on more difficult music.
Handbell Choir
Our Lady of the Lake church also has a 3-octave set of Malmark Handbells. While our handbell choir has been inactive, we are exploring the possibility of starting this group again. This is a group that requires both the novice and the somewhat proficient music reader. A group leader is being sought for this group. If you think you are that person, please contact Paul Wattigny.
Cantor Ministry
Our Lady of the Lake Parish has a Cantor Ministry with trained, certified cantors who are familiar with the Catholic liturgy and their role within the liturgy. If you are interested in becoming a cantor, please contact Paul Wattigny to schedule an interview and audition.
If you are an organist or pianist interested in accompaniment duties in the music ministry, please contact Paul Wattigny at the Parish Life Center. Accompanist positions require audition and references.
Screen Projection Operator
Volunteers are needed to operate the computer for the overhead screen projection during Mass in the Chotin Center. It is easy to do; a brief run-through will have you trained in a flash. All adults and high school students are welcome. High School students can get service hours for their service. The coordinator will help you schedule your Mass time and your rotation for service. Please stop by the Parish Life Center to sign up.