The Tuesday Morning Scriptural Rosary Prayer Group meets every Tuesday morning in Church, immediately following the 9:00 a.m. Mass. We pray the Scriptural Rosary (which combines the recitation of the Rosary with passages from Scripture which are read before each Hail Mary — this is a great aid for meditating on the Mysteries of the Rosary as it helps one to focus, with deeper contemplation, on the life of Christ), we’ll also pray additional intercessory prayers for our own personal intentions, as well as for those who have requested our prayers, for the souls in purgatory, for our Holy Father, for bishops and priests, and for future priestly and religious vocations, as well as for our country and the world. We’d be happy for you to join us. For more information contact Cindy Garrett at (985) 892-6381
Our Marian Movement of Priests Prayer Cenacle meets every Wednesday morning in Church immediately following the 9:00 a.m. Mass. We are dedicated to praying solely for our priests, for their sanctification and holiness, for our seminarians, as well as for an increase in future priestly vocations. Just as the Apostles were gathered with Our Blessed Mother in the Upper Room awaiting the First Pentecost, when we come together in our cenacles of prayer, we're gathered around Our Lady, praying along with her, invoking her intercession for her beloved priest-sons. These cenacles of prayer are a powerful means of prayer support and intercession for our priests, seminarians and future priestly vocations. For more information contact Cindy Garrett at (985) 892-6381.